STP Trisakti Kembangkan Potensi Pariwisata Daerah

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UNTUK mewujudkan pelaksanaan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi yakni pendidikan, penelitian, dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat, Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata (STP) Trisakti melakukan kunjungan dan kerja sama dengan sejumlah pemerintah daerah guna membangun berbagai potensi pariwisata setempat.

Kerja sama itu di antaranya dengan Pemerintah Kabupaten Kuningan, Jawa Barat, untuk membangun pariwisata Desa Cibuntu sejak enam tahun lalu. Kemudian dengan Pemerintah Kota Pekalongan, Jawa Tengah, dalam dua tahun terakhir ini.

“Apa yang kami kerjasamakan dengan kalangan pemerintah daerah tersebut, alhamdulillah berjalan baik dan mendapat respons masyarakat dan pejabat pemda terkait. Ini merupakan bentuk tanggung jawab perguruan tinggi khususnya STP Trisakti melaksanakan fungsi Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi,” kata Ketua STP Trisakti, Fetty Asmaniati di Jakarta, belum lama ini.

Fetty menjelaskan, rintisan membangun Desa Cibuntu diawali dengan akademisi dan mahasiswa S2 STP Trisakti, pihakmya memberikan pelatihan keterampilan pariwisata kepada penduduk dan jajaran pemda setempat. Mereka diberi pelatihan tentang pengetahuan, pengembangan produk kuliner, homestay, dan pelayan tamu yang datang ke Cibuntu.

Berkat kerja keras dan kerja cerdas, kini Cibuntu menjadi desa wisata yang mandiri bahkan meraih penghargaan nasional dan internasional. Desa Cibuntu telah dinobatkan menjadi desa wisata terbaik urutan lima tingkat ASEAN pada 2016 untuk bidang homestay. Di 2017, Cibuntu terpilih sebagai desa wisata terbaik peringkat dua di Indonesia dalam ajang Community Based Tourism (CBT) Kementerian Pariwisata.

“Keberhasilan ini tidak lepas kerja sama sinergis dan strategis antara sivitas akademika, para dosen, dan keterlibatan aktif mahasiswa berbagai jenjang pendidikan berkolaborasi dengan masyarakat Desa Cibuntu yang berjalan amat baik dengan mengedepankan kearifan lokal desa ini,” ujarnya.

Fetty melanjutkan, keberhasilan ini membuktikan peran perguruan tinggi dalam membangun SDM dan menata destinasi wisata di berbagai daerah menjadi amat penting dan strategis.

Karena itu, STP Trisakti mengembangkan kerja sama selanjutnya dengan Pemkot Pekalongan melalui program pelatihan dan kunjungan ke kampung penghasil batik terkenal di dunia itu, yang pada 2009 meraih dua penghargaan Unesco untuk pengakuan Warisan Budaya Dunia Non-Benda yaitu batik Pekalongan dan Benda Warisan Budaya Dunia, yaitu Museum Batik Pekalongan.

Belum lama ini, Yayasan Trisakti bersama STP yang berada di bawah naungannya membawa rombongan 375 orang pada 6–9 Februari 2018, kemudian 20 mahasiswa berkunjung ke Kota Pekalongan pada 10-13 Februari 2018.

Dark spruce forest frowned on either side the frozen waterway. The trees had been stripped by a recent wind of their white covering of frost, and they seemed to lean toward each other, black and ominous, in the fading light. A vast silence reigned over the land. The land itself was a desolation, lifeless, without movement, so lone and cold that the spirit of it was not even that of sadness. There was a hint in it of laughter, but of a laughter more terrible than any sadness—a laughter that was mirthless as the smile of the Sphinx, a laughter cold as the frost and partaking of the grimness of infallibility. It was the masterful and incommunicable wisdom of eternity laughing at the futility of life and the effort of life. It was the Wild, the savage, frozenhearted Northland Wild.
But there was life, abroad in the land and defiant.70-532 exam questions Down the frozen waterway toiled a string of wolfish dogs. Their bristly fur was rimed with frost. Their breath froze in the air as it left their mouths, spouting forth in spumes of vapor that settled upon the hair of their bodies and formed into crystals of frost. Leather harness was on the dogs, and leather traces attached them to a sled which dragged along behind. The sled was without runners. It was made of stout birch bark, and its full surface rested on the snow. The front end of the sled was turned up, like a scroll in order to force down and under the bore of soft snow that surged like a wave before it. On the sled, securely lashed, was a long and narrow oblong box. There were other things on the sled— blankets, an axe, and a coffeepot and frying pan; but prominent, occupying most of the space, was the long and narrow oblong box.
In advance of the dogs, on wide snowshoes, toiled a man. At the rear of the sled toiled a second man. On the sled, in the box, lay a third man whose toil was over—a man whom the Wild had conquered and beaten down until he would never move nor struggle again.PMP item pool It is not the way of the Wild to like movement. Life is an offense to it, for life is movement; and the Wild aims always to destroy movement. It freezes the water to prevent it running to the sea; it drives the sap out of the trees till they are frozen to their mighty hearts; and most ferociously and terribly of all does the Wild harry and crush into submission, man—man, who is the most restless of life, ever in revolt against the dictum that all movement must in the end come to the cessation of movement.
But at front and rear, unawed and indomitable, toiled the two men who were not yet dead. Their bodies were covered with fur and soft-tanned leather. Eyelashes and cheeks and lips were so coated with the crvstals from their frozen breath that their faces were not discernible This gave them the seeming of ghostly masques, undertakers in a spectral world at the funeral of some ghost. But under it all they were men, penetrating the land of desolation and mockery and silence, puny adventurers bent on colossal adventure, pitting themselves against the might of a world as remote and alien and pulseless as the abysses of space.
They traveled on without speech, saving their breath for the work of their bodies. On every side was the silence, pressing upon them with a tangible presence. It affected their minds as the many atmospheres of deep water affect the body of the diver.300-206 test material It crushed them with the weight of unending vastness and unalterable decree. It crushed them into the remotest recesses of their own minds, pressing out of them, like juices from the grape, all the false ardors and exaltations and undue self-values of the human soul, until they perceived themselves finite and small, specks and motes, moving with weak cunning and little wisdom amidst the play and interplay of the great blind elements and forces.

“Kunjungan kami ini sebagai perwujudan langkah nyata kerja sama kami dalam membina, mendukung pembangunan, dan pertumbuhan industri pariwisata di Kota Pekalongan. Kami merasakan adanya pertumbuhan dan geliat potensi wisata dan kuliner daerah ini menjadi hidup dan harus terus dikembangkan sehingga dapat memberi manfaat bagi masyarakat setempat, ” papar Fetty.

Wakil Ketua STP Trisakti, Ismet Emier Osman, menambahkan, pihak Pemkot Pekalongan harus lebih kreatif mengemas potensi pariwisata di daerahnya sehingga dapat lebih menarik pengunjung.

Menurutnya, Kota Pekalongan masih harus berupaya dan membenahi diri dalam mutu pelayanan dan atraksi wisatanya, sehingga citranya dapat ditingkatkan bukan saja sebagai kota transit akan tetapi menjadi kota destinasi wisata unggulan yang berdaya saing. (OL)

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