Erasmus+ Programme

1. Briefly Erasmus program
  1. General Requirements for Admission

Erasmus exchange students can apply only if their University has an Erasmus+ Bilateral Agreement with Trisakti Institute of Tourism. The prospective students must be nominated and selected by their home institution. Incoming Erasmus students need to apply to the Erasmus Office of their home university.

  1. Academic

Erasmus University College has seven departments that are in charge of building and coordinating the academic program. The seven departments are:

  1. Doctoral Degree in Tourism (S-3), Klik disini
  2. Master’s degree in Tourism (S-2), Klik disini
  3. Bachelor’s degree in Tourism (S-1), Klik disini
  4. Bachelor’s degree in business digital (S-1), Klik disini
  5. Bachelor’s degree in Entrepreneurship (S-1), Klik disini 
  6. Bachelor’s Applied Science in Hotel Management (D-4), Klik disini
  7. Bachelor’s Applied Science in Travel Management (D-4) , Klik disini

  1. Academic Calendar

1st semester (wet season): early September – late January

2nd semester (dry season): early March – late June

Examination period: late January, late June, early July

  1. English proficiency

Since the programme at EUC is entirely in English, and the classes are very interactive, students have to be highly proficient in this language. You will constantly be asked to read articles, to explain in class what you have read, and whether you agree or disagree, or to give a presentation with a summary. Therefore the required level for English is quite high. This required level is also asked from our first year students that want to start at EUC and complete the full 3-year programme.

Every incoming exchange student needs to prove their English proficiency. You can take one of these four test to demonstrate your English language proficiency. The following scores are required:

  1. TOEFL (internet based version): a total score of at least 79 points
  2. IELTS (academic version): a total score of at least 5.5

Students are exempted from providing proof of English proficiency when:

  1. The student is a native English speaker from the USA, the UK, Canada, Ireland, Australia or New Zealand; or
  2. The bachelor programme at the home institution is completely in English; or
  3. English was the language of instruction for at least two and a half years during the secondary school programme in one of the following countries: the USA, the UK, Canada (with the exception of Quebec), Ireland, Australia or New Zealand.

Application Form

  1. Application form with signature (download template here)
  2. Learning Agreement (download template here)
  3. Motivation letter (download template here)
  4. Training agreement (only for placement mobility) (download template here)
  5. Official Transcript of Records (download template here)
  6. Passport soft copy
  7. Life Health Insurance (not Travel Insurance); that is valid and has a center/office in Indonesia.
  8. Arrival Form (download template here)
  9. Students are required to bring 4 x passport size photos upon arrival.

For all information for international student regarding visa and permit

All documents have to be merged in 1 (ONE) pdf format file in the order listed above. Send the documents to:

cc to :

Universitatea din Oradea, Rumania
Str. Universității nr. 1, 410087 – Oradea
Tel1:   +40 259-432830
Tel2:   +40 259-408113
Fax:   +40 259-432789


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